‘It’s not fair | Driver upset with cars stopping traffic doing donuts, burnouts in NOLA streets

“I think it was like a bad accident or something,” Jerod said. “I see all this smoke and I say to myself, ‘Something must be burning,'” Jerod said.

NEW ORLEANS – Tire tracks are still burned at the intersection of Chef Highway and Downman Road in the Pines Village neighborhood of New Orleans East. On Sunday night, the intersection was blocked and traffic was boosted in four directions as cars made stunts, one with someone hanging out the window.

“It was crazy,” said a man named Herod, who filmed it happening and declined to be identified. “It was one after another. It was like a show. “

This intersection is near the base of the high-rise building, where Jerod was stuck in traffic for about half an hour.

“I think it was like a bad accident or something,” Jerod said. “I see all this smoke and I say to myself, ‘Something must be burning,'” Jerod said.

Disappointed, Jerod finally saw where the smoke was coming from and began filming.

“People are trying to go home and say to themselves, ‘When is this going to end?’ It was endless, “said Jerod.

Cars that make donuts and burn on major roads have become common in New Orleans. A video that is also said to be from the weekend shows a car cascading near a NOPD cruiser with its lights on. In response to Eyewitness News, NOPD said it was aware of the video and was investigating.

At least three others happened in February. One happened on Interstate 10 during rush hour traffic, another during a busy night on Frenchmen Street, and another near the CBD Superdome.

They were all close to people and police said they were dangerous.

“It’s not fair to people who are trying to go home to their families who have worked hard and are trying to get to the store to buy groceries,” Jerod said.

Jerod says police are patrolling the area well and are surprised by what he has witnessed for so long. He is even more surprised that he looked like a back door.

“They’re back there with their trucks, they have ice coolers in the back, you have kids there, you have lawn chairs sitting in the back of the truck, and I say to myself, ‘Wow,'” Jerod said.

Eyewitness News contacted the NOPD for this latest case and to get an update on the one related to the police cruiser. We haven’t heard from each other.

RELATED: A spotted car making donuts around a NOPD vehicle

RELATED: Two wanted in connection with donut cars burning in New Orleans warehouse area