Yes, read this correctly!
A black bear got into the truck of a Cornwall resident and caused extensive damage.
The Ministry of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) said it had responded to a request for help after a bear was seen in a resident’s vehicle.
EnCon police said the bear caused extensive damage to the car’s interior. A conservationist helped him out by placing a bag of beans to obscure the bear.
Authorities do not know how the bear managed to get into the car. But it is certainly an experience that Cody Gillotti will never forget.
“I was lying on the couch and I saw the lights in my mother-in-law’s car flashing,” he said.
At that moment, Gillotti realized that something strange was happening. So he got out of the car and the lights came on. Then Gillotti saw a pile of frost on all the windows.
“I knew there was something in it, I just didn’t know what,” Giglotti said. “He looked like a teenager who had just fainted in his car after a long night at a party and his mother caught him.
Video courtesy of Cody Gilotti.
The bear even pulled his daughter’s chair out of his truck before getting into his mother-in-law’s car.
“There are bears here all the time. They never get in cars, so I really didn’t think it was a bear right away. Then I approached her and she snorted, I scared her and I went back inside,” he continued.
He then called EnCon police and a police officer appeared. He took a rope, tied it to the doorknob, and the bear seemed to burst with energy.
“He was really, really scared when we approached him. He was almost like a deer under headlights, he was stunned,” Giglotti said.
The bear’s eyes didn’t really move, but rather focused on Gillotti and the policeman as they tried to get him out of the truck.
“I think he opened it and there was no food in my truck. There was an empty McDonald’s bag and a few other things in her car, so I think he just moved things around my place looking for things, but he couldn’t find everything, and then he left and went in. [my mother-in-law’s] car, “said Gilotti.

NBC Connecticut Damage to Gillotti’s truck.
“Unfortunately, the car is completely broken. There is almost no interior left,” he said. “He definitely went there.”
No one was injured in the accident. Gillotti has no doubt that the bear will reappear soon.
“I’m sure he’ll be back,” Gilotti said.
To learn more about what to do if you meet a bear, you can visit The DEEP website.